About Us
Coming from a family of winemakers, my dream was to create my own farm.
1973 is the beginning of a long and exciting life of work but also of pleasure and fulfillment.

Concerned about the quality of our wines, we cultivate our grapes with rigour and respect for nature.
The diversity of our terroirs, the spliting of the juices and the regularity of our blends allow us to elaborate high quality champagnes recognized by all.

About Us
Coming from a family of winemakers, my dream was to create my own farm.
1973 is the beginning of a long and exciting life of work but also of pleasure and fulfillment.

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Our house's certifications

Terra Vitis
An environmental certification recognized by the French Ministry of Agriculture

High Environemental Value
Champagne Pascal Walczak was recognized as being a High Environnemental Value Vine Growing